Ethicon HARH36 Harmonic Ace 36 Shears

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Ethicon HARH36 Harmonic Ace 36 Shears - Each

SKU: harh36-harmonic-ace-indv Category:



This is what Ethicon has to say about the HARHC36: Curved blade designed to enable visibility and fine dissection. The refined blade design includes a tapered tip with a proprietary, nonstick coating to enable fast, precise dissection.

Strong, secure sealing in vessel sizes up to and including 7mm diameter. The median burst pressures of HARMONIC ACE®+7 Shears in Advanced Hemostasis mode were higher than competitors.

Provides superior heat management. Adaptive Tissue Technology enables greater surgical precision and performance by dynamically optimizing energy delivery in response to changing tissue conditions.



Product Information
Product Name Ethicon HARH36 Harmonic Ace 36 Shears - Each
Manufacturer Ethicon
Mfg. Catalog # HARH36
Pictures These pictures are for display purposes only
SKU harh36-harmonic-ace-indv



Condition New
Overall Condition In Date


Additional information

Dimensions 24 × 10 × 3 in

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