Ethicon 1677G 4-0 Perma-Hand Silk Suture

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Ethicon 1677G 4-0 Perma-Hand Silk Suture

SKU: 1677g-suture Category:



This is what Ethicon has to say about the 1677G Suture:

ETHICON™ Suture Needles

Carefully selecting a surgical suture needle is a critical component in achieving excellent wound closure outcomes. The ideal surgical needle should be:

  • Sharp enough to penetrate and carry suture through tissue with minimal resistance
  • Slim as possible without compromising strength
  • Rigid to resist bending, yet ductile to resist breaking
  • Stable in the grasp of the needleholder

Ethicon offers over 200 types of surgical suture needles, allowing clinicians great flexibility to select the most appropriate needle for the specific needs of the tissue being repaired.

Silk Suture

A nonabsorbable, sterile, surgical suture composed of anorganic protein. The sutures are processed to remove the natural waxes and gums, dyed black and coated with a special wax mixture.

Silk Suture is indicated for use in general soft tissue approximating and/or ligation, including use in cardiovascular, ophthalmic, and neurological procedures.

Suture elicits an acute inflammatory reaction in tissue, which is followed by a gradual encapsulation of the suture by fibrous connective tissue. While silk sutures are not absorbed, progressive degradation of the proteinaceous silk fiber in vivo may result in gradual loss of all of the suture's tensile strength over time.

Due to the gradual loss of tensile strength which may occur over prolonged periods in vivo, silk suture should not be used where permanent retention of tensile strength is required.

Product Information
Product Name Ethicon 1677G 4-0 Perma-Hand Silk Suture
Manufacturer Ethicon
Mfg. Catalog # 1677G
SKU 1677g-suture
Pictures These pictures are for display purposes only
Suture Type Nonabsorbable
Suture Size 4-0
Needle ID PS-2
Suture Length 18''
Material Type Black Braided

Condition New
Overall Condition In Date


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