Boston Scientific Dilator CRE 6 - 7 - 8 - 5833

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Boston Scientific Dilator CRE 6 - 7 - 8 - 5833

SKU: 5833-cre-dilator Category:


Designed to produce three distinct diameters at three separate pressures during in vivo dilation.

Rounded shoulders facilitate visualization of strictures while dilating.

Proprietary manufacturing process using Pebaxmaterial.

High pressure balloon is designed to produce little or no balloon waisting.

Engineered for rapid deflation.

Product Information
Product Name Boston Scientific Dilator CRE 6 - 7 - 8 - 5833
Manufacturer Boston Scientific
Mfg. Catalog # 5833
Link to Brochure Click Here to View Manufacturer's Brochure
Pictures These pictures are for display purposes only
SKU 5833-cre-dilator

Manufacturer Specifications
Type Disposible
Instrument Type Balloon
Minimum Channel Diameter 2.8mm
Actual Diameter 6-7-8mm - 18-21-24Fr
Working Channel Length 180cm

Condition New
Overall Condition In Date


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