Covidien S100000 Step Auto Suture Insufflation Needle

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Covidien S100000 Step Auto Suture Insufflation Needle

SKU: s100000-indv Category:



Covidien Step Auto Suture Insufflation Needle S100000

The insufflation and access needle used to establish pneumoperitoneum is a 14 Gauge stainless steel needle with a hub near the proximal end for interface with the radially expandable sleeve. There is a spring loaded blunt stylet inside the needle and extending beyond the tip of the needle. The stylet retracts as the needle is pushed against tissue and automatically advances forward after the cavity has been penetrated. A stopcock at the proximal end of the needle controls flow of insufflation gas. The same insufflation and access needle may be used with additional Step™ radially expandable sleeves for all access ports during one patient procedure (be sure to check needle function between uses).

Compatible with Step™ and VersaStep™ Plus Access Systems


Product Information
Product Name Covidien S100000 Step Auto Suture Insufflation Needle
Manufacturer Covidien
Mfg. Catalog # S100000
SKU s100000-indv
Pictures These pictures are for display purposes only


Condition Pre-Owned
Overall Condition In Date


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