Covidien 21-345 Clearify Visualization System

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Covidien 21-345 Clearify Visualization System

SKU: 21345-trocar Category:



Clearify�s elegant, all-in-one design effectively warms, defogs, cleans and protects your scope for continuous clarity, from start to close; it even ensures true white balance; and the included Trocar Wipe® keeps your clean lens from being contaminated by trocar debris.

Clearify™ hub warms the anti-fogging and cleaning solution in 5 minutes, cleans the scope in 5 seconds, and stays warm for 5 hours

Combination of heat and powerful anti-fogging solution works faster than hot water or anti-fogging agents alone

Warming Hub

Micro Pad

Trocar Wipe (Fits Trocars 5mm and up)

Two Microfiber cloths

Converter for 3-5mm scopes

Accommodates scopes up to 12.5mm

Eliminates Fogging


Product Information
Product Name Covidien 21-345 Clearify Visualization System
Manufacturer Covidien
Mfg. Catalog # 21-345
SKU 21345-trocar
Pictures These pictures are for display purposes only


Condition Pre-Owned
Overall Condition In Date


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